Wednesday, April 29, 2015

NBA 2k15

 This is a simulation game of the real NBA. It is the best selling sports game of all time. It has sold more than 5 million copies world wide.

 Here are some in game images below

As you see above the game footage is looking real. With the next gen graphics these will start looking better and better as the years progress.


What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning?
I think about the future I want to have and what its going to take to get there. Plus what I want to do it involves me going to school and learning the neccesary tools to get where i need to be. I want to be a videographer and photographer I am currently dual-enrolled at WCC. I started my videoagrapher education and almost finished with my semester with an A. I learned about editing and lighting with cameras. We just finished my final project and i have a scholarship for another 2 years. That is what motivates me everyday to get up out the bed.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

take apart a phone case

otter box

First take off outer layer

How to..

how to jailbreak your iphone...

first connect your iphone to itunes..

download the pangu app on your computer
hit the jailbreak button

Monday, April 20, 2015


Hi my name Aaron Frazier.. Im 6'2, shy, funny, athletic, smart, and musically talented. 
I play multiple sports but mostly Football and Basketball. I been playing basketball since I was 5 years old, and been playing football since i was 8. I been involved in music since i was 7 playing a variety of instruments from piano to string bass. I was in the orchestra from 5th grade til the beginning of 11th grade.